Manners Class

This is our foundations class! Behaviours taught include  attention, sit, down, recall, loose leash walking , leave it, stay, and polite greetings. We also spend time talking about prevention and management of unwanted behaviours, and ways to help dogs be calm and confident.

Loose Leash Walking Class 

We will focus on attention, loose leash walking, stays and impulse control with real life distractions! When the weather permits this class will be held outdoors! In the winter we are fortunate to have access to a large space and will work on leash walking around other dogs and distractions!

Recall Class 

Do you want a reliable recall? Let’s practice and build value for coming back in a variety of settings! 

*Dogs must have a solid training foundation and play well with other dogs as the goal is to work towards off leash recalls

Community Canines  

For teams that are ready for greater challenge and who want to have some fun with additional obedience training. This class will work on adding distractions, duration and distance for the skills taught in our manners class. These skills are also great start for handlers who want their dogs to be polite when out and about!    

Out and About  

This class is for teams who have completed our Community Canines class! We will take our skills to a variety of locations around Grande Prairie! We continue to focus on loose leash walking, polite greetings, and being calm and confident in new situations.